Posted on 11/15/2019 by Platte Valley Dental Care |
The best way to reduce swelling from oral trauma is to apply ice on the affected area. To do this properly, you can place and Icepack or small bag of frozen vegetables in a sleeve. We like to cover the frozen bags with an old T-shirt or dish rag. It is important to wrap up the frozen bag with some type of cloth as to create a barrier to protect the skin from damage. After wrapping the frozen bag, place it on the side of the face the suspected oral trauma has happened. Do not place the frozen bag inside the mouth or bite down on it because this could cause more damage. Make sure to use the frozen bag in shifts. After 10 to 20 minutes of the frozen bag being applied to the face, remove the bag for 10 to 20 minutes. Repeat this cycle until the swelling has reduced. What To Do After It is important to visit our clinic after receiving oral trauma. Even minor injuries to the teeth can become long term problems if left untreated. The most common cause of swelling after receiving oral trauma is a damaged tooth. Damaged teeth cannot heal on their own and may need to be corrected using various techniques to prevent further dental problems. Left unchecked, broken teeth can become greatly decayed over time, causing them to need to be removed from the mouth. If a tooth is removed, it may be necessary to install a dental implant or bridge to fill in the gap so that the affected person can retain proper dental hygiene and bite distribution. Having broken teeth can also be very painful and the pain may worsen as time continues which is another reason to be checked after having oral trauma. It is always important to take good care of your teeth, especially after encountering oral trauma. The best way to take care of your mouth after trauma is to schedule an appointment with our office. We will be happy to get your call and can help you with at home pain management until we are able to meet with you. |